Sep 17, 2017 Before you create a.bashprofile, you may need to check If the file already exists. You can check inside a terminal emulator by typing: It the file does not exist, then you may go ahead to create.
- How do I get the android 4 emulator option to show up? NoxPlayer is a free Android emulator dedicated to bring the best experience for users to play Android games and apps on PC. It has the highest compatibility and fluency of almost every apps and games.
- Jobs Programming and related technical career opportunities. Android App not showing on emulator. Ask Question. When I run my app to the emulator, the app is not visible in the homescreen. The emulator works fine, builds fine, the project builds fine as well, it's just the app is nowhere to be found in the emulator.
This page lists known issues, workarounds, and troubleshooting tips for theAndroid Emulator.
If you encounter an issue not listed here or are unable to successfully use aworkaround listed here, please report a bug.
ISO WorkshopISO Workshop can possibly be called a less effective version of ImgBurn. The software is also equipped with an erase option and the write speed is changeable.Passcape ISO Burner supports every Windows OS version starting from Windows XP to Windows 7. Free mounting iso software mac. The software supports everything from Windows NT to Windows 7. Passcape ISO BurnerPasscape ISO Burner is an effective but portable tool. Equipped with several options like 'Create a bootable USB disk' and 'Unpack ISO image to disk folder'.
Checking for adequate disk space
To avoid crashes and hangs caused by not having enough free disk space, theemulator checks for sufficient free disk space on startup, and will not startunless at least 2 GB is free. Fix video files software mac. If the emulator fails to start for you, check tosee that you have adequate free disk space.

Antivirus software
Because many security and antivirus software packages work by monitoring everyread and write operation, use of such software can decrease performance of toolslike the Android Emulator.
Many antivirus packages provide the ability to whitelist specificapplications, which enables these applications to operate without performancedegradation. If you are experiencing poor performance with saving or loading ofAVD snapshots, you may improve this performance by whitelisting the AndroidEmulator application in your antivirus software.
The performance impact differs between various antivirus software packages. Ifyou have additional antivirus software installed beyond that which is includedwith your operating system, you can run simple tests to determine whichantivirus software has a greater performance effect on emulator load and saveoperations.
Some antivirus software may be incompatible with the Android Emulator.
If you're using Avast software and are having trouble running the AndroidEmulator, try disabling Use nested virtualization when availableand Enable Hardware assisted virtualization in the Avast Troubleshootingsettings. In addition, after Avast hardware virtualization is disabled, ensurethat HAXM is set up properly again with a full re-installation of the latest HAXMfrom the SDK Manager.
HAXM on older, unsupported versions of Mac OS
If you are using Android Emulator on older, unsupported versions of Mac OS X(such as 10.9), then you may need to use an older version of HAXM (6.1.2), too.
Android Emulator runs slowly after an update
A number of external factors can cause the Android Emulator to begin runningslowly after an update. To begin troubleshooting, we recommend thefollowing steps:

- If you are running Android Emulator on Windows, check to see if you haveinstalled Windows UpdatesKB4013429andKB4015217.Some users reported improved Android Emulator performance after uninstallingthese updates. Users also reported improved Emulator performance afterinstalling Windows UpdateKB4015438.
- If you have an Intel GPU (and in particular, the Intel HD 4000), ensure youhave downloaded and installed the latest Intel graphics driver.
- If your machine has both an Intel HD 4000 GPU and a discrete GPU,disable the Intel HD 4000 GPU in Device Manager to ensure you areusing the discrete GPU.
- Try running the emulator using the
-gpu angle
,-gpu swiftshader
, or-gpu guest
modes. For more information about configuring graphicsacceleration options on the command line, seeConfigure hardware acceleration. - Ensure that your router is not using IPv6 addresses if you do not have anIPv6 connection.
If you are still experiencing problems with the Android Emulator runningslowly, Report a bug, including thenecessary Android Emulator Details so we can investigate.
Windows: Free RAM and commit charge
When the emulator starts, it needs to initialize the Android guest operatingsystem's RAM. On Windows, the emulator asks Windows to account for the fullsize of guest memory at start time, even though during actual operation, thememory may be paged in on demand. The emulator requests the full amount of guestmemory at start time because Windows is conservative in ensuring that there isenough physical RAM and pagefile available to hold the entire potential workingset; this prepares for the worst case, in which all guest memory is touchedquickly, without any opportunity to discard or otherwise free memory.
Sometimes, when the emulator asks Windows to account for this full guest memorysize, the request exceeds the current commit limit, which is the total of theavailable physical RAM and pagefile. In this case, Windows can't guarantee thatthe worst-case working set will fit in either physical RAM or pagefile, and theemulator fails to start.
In typical cases, the amount of hard drive space allocated for the pagefile plusphysical RAM is more than enough for most use cases of the emulator. However, ifyou experience failures to start the emulator because of exceeding the commitlimit, we recommend examining the current commit charge, which can be seen inthe Performance tab in the Windows Task Manager. (To open the Task Manager,press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.)
You can lower the likelihood of exceeding the commit limit in various ways:
- Free physical RAM before launching the emulator by closing unused applicationsand files.
- Disable third-party memory management and memory compression utilities. Theseutilities can inefficiently cause an excess commit charge and bring yoursystem closer to the commit limit.
Use a system managed size for the Windows pagefile, which can more flexiblyand dynamically increase the pagefile size (and therefore the commit limit) inresponse to increased demand from the emulator and other applications.
For more information on commit charges and why a flexible setting works best,see this Microsoft article.
Meteogram Weather Widget PC: Weather widget and app showing a graphical weather forecast.. plus tide charts
Meteogram Weather Widget is an Android application and is officially available for Android devices only, and that too for Android devices.
It is not a cross functional application, which can run on any system apart from Android.
But did we say that it is quite possible to have it up and running like charm on your Windows PC? Yes, it is very much possible to run Meteogram Weather Widget on Windows based PC. App to find files on mac.
- How To Get Meteogram Weather Widget on PC And MAC?
How It Is Different – The Features
This resizable weather widget (and interactive app) provides a detailed and visually appealing weather forecast, allowing you very quickly to understand what to expect when you venture outdoors. The graphical format is commonly referred to as a 'meteogram'.
You can choose to display as little or as much information as you like, or you can set up multiple widgets showing different information (optionally for different places) in different widgets.
You can plot common weather parameters like temperature, wind speed and pressure, as well as tide charts, UV Index, wave height, moon phase, sunrise and sunset times, and much much more!
You can even display government-issued weather alerts in the header: those from National Weather Service (US), Environment Canada, and MeteoAlarm (Europe).
The content and style of the meteogram is extremely configurable.. with over 900 options to set, your imagination is the limit!
The widget is also fully resizable, so make it however small or large you like on your home screen! And the interactive app is just a click away, direct from the widget.
Furthermore, you can choose where your weather data comes from: the Norwegian Met Office (Meteorologisk Institutt), the German Met Office (Deutscher Wetterdienst or DWD), the Swedish Met Office (SMHI), the UK Met Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), or from one of five other weather forecast services!
We recommend that you give it a go and explore the wealth of weather, marine and astronomical information available!
Upgrade to Platinum
In addition to the great features available in the free version, an in-app platinum upgrade is available which will give you the following extra benefits:
★ no adverts
★ no watermark on chart
★ favourite locations list
★ use of all available weather data providers
★ use of tide data
★ choice of weather icon set
★ change location (e.g. from favourites) direct from widget button
★ change data provider direct from widget button
★ link to direct from widget button
★ save/load settings to/from a local file
★ save/load settings to/from a remote server
★ include some historical or cached data in the meteogram
★ time machine (show weather or tides for any date, past or future)
★ greater choice of fonts
★ custom webfont (choose any from Google Fonts)
★ notifications (including temperature in status bar)
Support and Feedback
We always welcome feedback or suggestions. Join our online community at Reddit ( or Slack (, or email us using the handy link in the settings page in the app. Also check out the help pages at, and the website ( for further information and an interactive meteogram map.
Explanation of app permissions
The permission relating to 'access to the device's storage' is only to enable the (very useful) feature which allows your settings to be backed up to a file, so that they can later be loaded back (or shared with others). Note that, from Android 6, this permission anyway needs to be granted at runtime, so if you never grant this permission when it is requested, the app will never have access to your device's storage.
Similarly, regarding the permission for the 'device's location', this is only needed when you enable the 'detect and follow location' feature, where the meteogram is always generated for your current location. Again, if you don't need this feature, then you don't ever need to grant this permission, and the app will never know your location.
The 'draw over other apps' permission is only needed for technical reasons when local chart generation is enabled. By default, this is not enabled, so the permission is never needed. Furthermore, nothing is ever actually drawn over other apps. In any case, the permission can be disabled in the app's settings page.
How To Get Meteogram Weather Widget on PC And MAC?
As Meteogram Weather Widget is available for Android devices, there’s not straight forward way to get it running on PC or Mac.
For having this app on your system, you need to use emulators which bridges the gap between Android environment and PC or Mac System. Think of emulators as virtual environment setup on your PC running on Windows and Mac, which emulates the Android OS. It is safe and fully trusted method of running Android environment in cross operating system like Windows and Mac.
What is Android Emulator?
Download Android Emulator For Mac
An emulator is a software solution that can be used to mirror the android applications on your computers and MAC devices. These emulators can be downloaded from any browser and prove to be useful for running different android applications on your PC.
So, for running Meteogram Weather Widget on your Windows or Mac based system, you can either use BlueStacks or Nox App Player which both are the known and fully trusted Android Emulators readily available.
Running Meteogram Weather Widget Using BlueStacks
- Once you download Bluestaks (download link listed above), install the same onto your system.
- Download the Meteogram Weather Widget APK file (Android executable file) of Meteogram Weather Widget (download link given below).
- Double click on APK file, which will get open in Bluestacks.
- Confirmation pop-up will be shown. All you need is to allow the installation by confirming.
- Post installation, Meteogram Weather Widget will be available on Bluestacks Homescreen. Double click on that and enjoy the live streaming for free!
3.6.0 . cloud3squared
November 12, 2019 . 50 K+
Running Meteogram Weather Widget Using Nox App Player
- If you choose to use Nox App Player (download link listed above), install the same onto your system.
- Download the APK file (Android executable file) of Meteogram Weather Widget (download link given below)
- Open the Nox App Player and click on “Add an APK” located at the top right corner bar.
- Click on “I know” when promoted for validating the install.
- Post installation, Meteogram Weather Widget will be available on Nox App Player Homescreen. Double click on that and enjoy the live streaming for free!
Benefits of having the Meteogram Weather Widget for your PC:
- The size of the Meteogram Weather Widget APK file is less which means that you do not have to uninstall other apps before installing it.
- The simple and user-friendly interface of Meteogram Weather Widget enables everyone to operate and handle it easily.
- Big Screen Play mobile games on a big screen to get a better performance
- Extremely Smooth Provides you an extremely smooth gameplay experience by the powerful engine
- Keyboard Control Get the real PC like gaming experience by setting the controls on keyboard, mouse, or gamepad
- Multi-Instance Run multiple instances at the same time to play more games
Downloading Meteogram Weather Widget on Andriod Devices
Online Android Emulator For Pc
Meteogram Weather Widget is available for Android Devices in official way. However, it is not readily available on Google Play Store to download and install.
Mac Android Programming App Not Showing On Emulator Android
Now that doesn’t mean it is not a trusted app! Millions of users are using Meteogram Weather Widget now, fulfilling their audiovisual streaming needs.
- Your Android device must be running on Android 4.1 and up version
- Your device must have 1GB of minimum RAM
- Your device must have 150MB free space for Installation
- Apps from unknown sources must be enabled from settings, to allow installing Meteogram Weather Widget
Once all the requirements are fulfilled as listed above, go ahead and download the APK (download from below), and tap on APK to install.