Jun 24, 2020  4. Cold Turkey is one of the best temporarily block websites available on this app. This service is available for Android, Windows, and Mac devices. Engaging with this service, you can temporarily cut down the connection for the particular website from the target device. Jan 14, 2020  The Best Productivity Apps for 2020. Buckle down and get things done with the best productivity apps for getting work done, organizing your personal life. The best personal finance apps provide several different features (email reminders, bill due dates, track subscriptions, shared wallets, etc.) for managing your overall finances. All the apps on our list are available on both iOS and Android, so you can enjoy no matter which smartphone giant you're partial to.

In a previous article where I talked about the 5 best cheap Mac apps under $10, it seems that many of you wanted to know if these apps had any free alternatives. The straight answer is yes, but it is a little bit more complicated than that. As a rule of thumb, you should know that for every paid Mac app, there is a corresponding free app out there. You just have to search for it.

That said, the free apps do have their own limitations. Mostly the limitations have to do with the user interface of the app. The paid apps generally have a more modern and easy to navigate user interface than their free counterparts. The paid apps also bring more features which make the apps more productive. I guess what I am trying to say is that in most cases, you essentially get what you paid for. That’s not to say that there are no good free apps out there. On the contrary, there are a ton of awesome free apps, and if you want to see a lit of them, do let me know in the comments section below.

However, this article is not about the best free Mac apps, it’s about the best-paid macOS apps and their free alternatives. Before we get into the article, one thing I would like to mention is that I have taken a little bit of liberty with the concept of free apps, which you will understand as we get into the article. So, if you don’t think that the paid apps deserve the price that they are asking for, here are the 7 best paid Mac apps and their free alternatives:

7 Best Paid macOS Apps and Their Free Alternatives

Since there are going to be a lot of apps on this list, I am not going to go in-depth for each one of them. Rest assured all the apps that I mention in this list has been thoroughly tested by me. Also, if you like to see an in-depth review of any of the apps mentioned in this list, do let me know by writing in the comments section below. I will make sure to fulfill as many of your requests as I can.

1. Best Password Manager App for Mac: 1Password

It’s 2018 and if you are not using a password manager today, I am sorry to tell you the truth, but you are a fool (unless you have a Sheldon like memory which allows you to create and remember strong and random passwords). If you take your account safety seriously, you should be using a password manager. A password manager not only allows you to create random and secure passwords but it also makes them easily accessible. All you need to do is remember one master password. As long as you remember that you can use your password anywhere, be it on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

1Password according to me is one of the best password managers you can get for yourself. All your data is encrypted using end-to-end AES-256 encryption and PBKDF2 key derivation, which is a technical way to say, that there is no way in hell anyone can get into your account if they don’t know your master password. The service syncs all your password across devices and supports all the major platforms including macOS, iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows. So, no matter which device you are using, you are covered.

Install:1Password - Free trial ($3.99/month - paid annually - individual plan / $4.99/month - paid annually - family plan up to 5 members)

1Password Free Alternative - LastPass

One of the biggest restrictions that come with using the free version of any password manager software is that the free version doesn’t allow you to sync your password across devices. This is where LastPass wins as the free version of the software allows you to sync your passwords across devices. Remember that I told you that I am going to take a little liberty when it comes to what free app means, that declaration applies here. Although LastPass does have a premium subscription model, it’s free version is enough to fulfill all your individual needs. In fact, I myself use the free version of LastPass and has never felt a need to upgrade to the paid version.

That’s not to say that the paid version doesn’t come with extra features. The paid version brings features like desktop application logins, desktop fingerprint identification, two-factor authentication, and 1GB of encrypted file storage. That said, none of those features are necessary. All the necessary features like password creation, auto-fill and auto-login in browsers, password sync across devices, form filling, secure notes, and more are present in the free version. That’s why I consider, LastPass to be the best free password manager you can use today.

Install: LastPass - Free ($2/month - paid annually - individual plan / $4/month - paid annually - family plan up to 5 members)

2. Best Menu Bar Manager for Mac: Bartender 3

One of my favorite features of Mac is its Menu Bar and the apps that it can hold. The Menu Bar not only provides us with a quick way to access important information and give us app specific contextual menus, it also allows us to use Menu Bar apps which are quite nifty applications. However, if you are as obsessed with apps as I am, you will soon find that your Menu Bar has become too crowded and unorganized.

That’s where Bartender comes in as it allows you to organize your menu bar apps, by hiding them, rearranging them, or moving them to the Bartender Items. But that’s not all, Bartender also allows you to quickly search for Menu Bar apps and use keyboard shortcuts to access them. Bartender is a must-have application for anyone who is looking to manage their Menu Bar items.

Install: Bartender 3 - Free trial for 4 weeks - $15

Bartender3 Free Alternative: Vanilla

I will be the first one to come out and say that Vanilla is nowhere as powerful as the Bartender app. That said, The app is free and allows you to hide your Menu Bar apps elegantly. When you install the app, you will see a small arrow icon which you can click on to either expand or hide the Menu Bar icons.

Although the app is free forever, it does have a Pro option which adds extra features like keyboard shortcuts and automatic icons hiding. However, if you are not ready to pay, the free version will just serve you right as the app never ever nags you for upgrading.

Install:Vanilla - Free/$3.99

3. Best Storage Manager for Your Mac: DaisyDisk

DaisyDisk is one of my most favorite macOS apps and considering how much it helps me, I am more than happy to pay for the service. I have already talked about the app in great detail in the best Mac apps under $10 article, which you can read if you want to. The short version is that the app helps you scan your Mac’s internal storage as well as any other storage devices that are either physically connected to your device or are on your server and helps you find and delete unwanted items to free up storage on your device. DaisyDisk is a prime example of an app which is really useful but that’s not why you are buying it. You are buying it for its extremely beautiful user interface which makes using this app a delight.

Install:DaisyDisk - $9.99

DaisyDisk Free Alternative: GrandPerspective

GrandPerspective is the best app for anyone who is looking for an alternative to DaisyDisk. The basic premise of the app is the same as DaisyDisk, that is, it scans your Mac to give you a graphical representation of the disk usage. You can choose to either scan your entire Mac or individual folders. Once you run the scan, the app will show all your files and folders represented by solid colored squares.

The bigger the file size, the bigger is the square. Thus you can easily find out which files and folders take up the most space. The app is free to download from its official website but cost $1.99 on the Mac App Store. But whichever app you download, you are essentially getting the same thing. The paid version is just your way of supporting the developers.

Install: GrandPerspective - (Free from Sourforge / $1.99 from Mac App Store)

4. Best Writing App For Mac: Ulysses

Ulysses has garnered a lot of hate after the service decided to go the subscription route, but the thing is, whether you love it or hate it, there is no denying the fact that it’s the best writing app for Mac. In fact, all the article that you see on this website have been researched, drafted, and written on Ulysses. The best part about Ulysses is that it is an extremely powerful and productive writing tool which packs enough features that can handle any writing project irrespective of its size or complexity, and yet it still manages to maintain a simple and distraction-free UI so you can get the work done. I have already published an article detailing all the features of the app which you can go through if you want to make yourself familiar with the app.

Install:Ulysses ($4.99/month or $39.99/year - special student pricing available)

Ulysses Free Alternative: Typora / Elephant / Focus Writer

Probably the hardest thing when drafting this article was finding a worthy free alternative for Ulysses, and sadly even after scouring the whole internet, I could not find an app which can replace Ulysses alone. Don’t get me wrong, Typora is a fairly worthy app, however, it’s only free till it’s in beta.

Focus Writer is free but it neither bring the handy markdown editing feature nor the exceptional organizational feature of Ulysses.

Elephant is an open-source alternative to Evernote which also has a built-in markdown editor.

In the end, I still think that iA Writer ($9.99) is the best Ulysses alternative but you can surely check these apps to see if they can help you in replacing Ulysses or not. If you are already using a Ulysses alternative which you think is better than anything mentioned on this list, do help us out by dropping its name in the comments section below.

Install:Typora / Elephant / FocusWriter

5. Best Photo Editing App For Mac: Affinity Photo

I have used a ton of photo editing apps on Mac, however, I have always come back to Affinity Photo. The biggest reason why I prefer Affinity Photo is not just because it packs more features that you will ever need and is regularly updated, it’s because Affinity provides a plethora of resources to help you master the software. I also love the fact that unlike most of the good photo editors out there which uses subscription-based pricing, Affinity photo charges a onetime fee.

One more reason to go for Affinity Photo is its iPad app. Affinity Photo’s iPad app is the most robust photo editing app that you can use on your iPad, period. If you are ready to pay the price, Affinity Photo will provide you with one of the most versatile and extensive suite of tools you will find in any photo editing software.

Install:Affinity Photo - $49.99

Affinity Photo Free Alternative: Fotor / Gimp

Fotor is probably the best free alternative to Affinity Photo which makes this one the best free photo editing app for Mac. The biggest benefit of using Fotor is the way it handles its interface. All the important tools are available right within your reach and you don’t have to dig through various sub-menus to find them. That said, Fotor is not truly free as it offers in-app purchases.

If you are looking for a truly free alternative to Affinity Photo, Gimp is what you should be looking at. Gimp is an open source photo editing tool for Mac. Being an open-source app, it brings all the advantages and disadvantages that come with the domain. What I mean by that Gimp has all the photo editing tools and features that you will find in any pro photo editing tool, however, it also comes with a steep learning curve and you will have to invest a considerable amount of time in learning it.

Install:Fotor / Gimp

6. Best Productivity App for Mac: Alfred

If you have ever searched for productivity apps for Mac, I can bet that Alfred was at the top of most of the results. Alfred is such a powerful tool that I will need to dedicate a series of articles if I want to really explain its power. The app not only helps you to quickly find files, apps, and more on your Mac, it also allows you to search the web, execute system level commands, create and execute workflows, assign hotkeys, control your music, automate your workflow, and much more. The possibilities are endless here. With its latest update, Alfred has taken the route of the freemium model where all its basic functions are free but pro functions are hidden behind a paywall, which you will need to buy if you are serious about using Alfred.

Install:Free / £19

Alfred Free Alternative: Quicksilver / Flashlight


QuickSilver is an open-source alternative for Alfred. Almost everything that you can do with Alfred, you can do with Quicksilver for free. However, as it is with any open-source application, Quicksilver also comes with a steep learning curve and doesn't have a great UI. That said, if you are ready to invest your time, you will be thoroughly rewarded.

Quicksilver will turn you into a Mac ninja, making you a far more productive than your average Mac user. However, if for some reason you are yet not ready to give up on Spotlight and still want all of Alfred’s power, you might want to check out Flashlight. Flashlight is not an app in itself but a collection of plugins which enhances the features of Spotlight bringing it closer to the likes of Alfred and Quicksilver.

Install:Quicksilver / Flashlight

7. Best Task Management App for Mac: OmniFocus

I understand that everybody has their own system for managing tasks, and there can be no one task management app which is best for everyone. However upon trying multiple apps, I have found that OmniFocus is one of the best if not the best task management app for Mac. OmniFocus uses the “Getting Things Done” principle to help you, well, get things done. I love how OmniFocus not only allows me to create individual tasks, it also allows me to create projects, folders, attach contextual menus, defer tasks, and more. OmniFocus also comes with apps for iPhone,iPad, and Apple Watch, so no matter which Apple device you are using, OmniFocus is always there for you.


Install:OmniFocus - $39.99

OmniFocus Free Alternative: Wunderlist / Todoist / Reminders

While I searched high and low for a free task management for Mac, every app that I found which was worth getting on the list followed a freemium model. Of all those apps, I found Todoist and Wunderlist to be the best of the bunch. I personally prefer Wunderlist more than Todoist, however, Todoist has certain advantages over Wunderlist and most of those advantages have to do with various automation tools which greatly cuts down the time you spent on the app itself and more on the tasks in hand.

However, if you don’t want a freemium app and need something truly free, I think the built-in Reminders apps that come with macOS and iOS is your best hope. The Reminders is not only for creating one-time reminders rather you can also create lists which can act as your projects. The app also allows you to set due dates and share reminders with someone which is a much-needed feature if you work in a collaborative environment. However, the biggest thing that goes in favor of reminders app is the fact that it is deeply integrated with Siri so you can use Apple’s voice assistant to easily create tasks without having to open the app itself.

Install:Todoist / Wunderlist

Paid Mac Apps and Free Alternatives: Final Thoughts

Since I took this topic on, I realized that while some of the paid Mac apps have worthy alternatives, most of the best paid apps offer features and user interface which cannot be replicated by any free app. Maybe that’s why it’s better to pay for the apps that you are going to use on a daily basis rather looking for their free alternative.

That said, not all of us are lucky enough to afford all the paid Mac apps. Hence, what I feel the best thing to do is to buy the apps which are essential for your workflow (you can look at cheaper alternatives which are much easier to find than free ones) while use the free ones for those which are not that important and will not hamper your productivity in a big way.

With the fast advent of technology and innovation, the risk of online harmful threats is also increasing. The environment on the internet is not safe at all for kids. There are lots of harmful threats available such as adult content, online bullying, predators, and many others. For parents, it is necessary to protect their kids from such harmful threats. If you suspect your kids watching inappropriate on the web then, you can take safety measures by permanently or temporarily using a website blocker app to block sites on kids' chrome mobile. Here in this post, we will talk about the best website block apps for Android & iOS.

What can the website blocker app do for us?

Website blocker app is the application that is designed to restrict specific websites from accessing. You can set the list of websites that you would like to block on the target device. When a user tries to visit that specific website, this app will restrict it from accessing.

With block sites apps, you can block websites that contain adult content, the risk of cyberbullying, predators, and other harmful threats.

There are many reasons why people want to use website blocker apps. One of the major reasons is to prevent kids from accessing adult content, cyberbullying, predator attacks, and others. As a business owner, website restriction is necessary to prevent some websites which may cause a negative effect on the production of the business.

10 Best Website Blocker Apps 2020

1. FamiSafe - Block Site APP for Parents

FamiSafe is the best website blocker app that enables the user to easily block websites for the target device. Basically, FamiSafe is a monitoring tool for business employers and parents. In FamiSafe, you will find loads of features that make monitoring the target device easier. Website blocking is one of the best features of FamiSafe that suits every business or parent needs.


  • One can block websites specifically with its website blocking function, even private history, or in incognito mode.
  • Set screen time limits and make sure their phone can not be used during study or sleep time or in specific places such as schools and bedrooms.
  • FamiSafe also allows users to easily locate the location of target devices and set geofencing alerts.
  • Check daily app usage report and block inappropriate apps remotely on kids devices
  • Explicit Content & Photo Detection: detect all the explicit content sent and received from WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, KiK, or other social media platforms and allows parents to get alerts when suspicious photos are detected from phone album.

Compatible OS: FamiSafe is fully compatible with Android and iOS devices.

Price: $9.9 one month(multi-monitoring with one account).

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

  • Web Filtering & Browse History
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

2. Internet Blocker – Freedom

Freedom is the website blocking service that is used by millions of people throughout the world. Using Freedom, you can easily block any number of websites from accessing the target device. If your kid has an iOS device then, you can download the Freedom app on their device and restrict the websites that you want.


  • There is millions of users use this application in their day to day life to protect their kids from harmful threats.
  • The interface of this service is very user-friendly and easy to use.

Compatible OS: It is designed for Windows, Mac, and iOS devices.

3. Anti – Social

This is another Internet blocking app which is equipped with some special set of functions. Anti – Social makes internet website blocking easier and assist you in making more and more profit. Anti-social app offers 60 days money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with their services. Moreover, Anti – Social is also featured in some leading newspapers and magazines.


  • One can easily block social media websites with Anti – Social including Facebook, Twitter, and others.
  • You can also set the timer to block the size.

Compatible OS: It is compatible with Windows and Mac computers. Android and iOS versions are under development.

4. Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is one of the best temporarily block websites available on this app. This service is available for Android, Windows, and Mac devices. Engaging with this service, you can temporarily cut down the connection for the particular website from the target device.


  • This is used by over 250,000 users throughout the world.
  • Cold Turkey has over 97 percent, happy

Compatible OS: Compatible with Android, Windows, and Mac.

Best Websites To Download Mac Apps Free

5. Rescue Time

Rescue time is developed in order to make website monitoring easier than ever before. This website is equipped with lots of features which will help in website blocking. In this tool, you will find an online dashboard with lots of features.


Best Free Apps For Macbook

  • Rescue time will show you complete report in the form of a graphical
  • This Website blocker app featured in many online reviewing sites such as PCmag.com and some others.

Compatible OS: Compatible with Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.


6. FocusMe

Focus me is a web known name in website monitoring solution. It is coded for Android, Windows, and Mac devices. There are many online websites and magazines endorse FocusMe for its powerful features and easy to use.


  • The price of this service is very affordable i.e. it suits every pocket.
  • FocusMe offers 60 days money-back guarantee.
  • Using FocusMe is very easy as compared to other website blocking services.

Compatible OS: It is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Android devices.

7. Mobile Security & Antivirus

Mobile Security & Antivirus is basically an Antivirus app designed to keep the device healthy and secure. But, there are some features available which help parents to restrict internet usage. Website blocking is an integrated function in this app that allows parents to block any number of websites on their devices.


Best Mac Website Builder

  • Parental control is the built-in function in Mobile Security & Antivirus.
  • Your device will keep secure from ransomware attacks, fraudulent calls, messages, and others.

Compatible OS: It is fully compatible with Android devices.

8. Kaspersky SafeKids: Parental Control & Family GPS

Kaspersky Safekids is a parental control application that is designed for both Android and iOS devices. In this monitoring tool, you will find a wide range of features that will assist you in kids monitoring. Some special functions are location tracking, notification alert, website blocking, and many others.


  • With Kaspersky safe kids, you can choose websites that you would like to block.
  • Internet safe search is also available in Kaspersky Safe Kids.

Best Website For Cracked Mac Apps

Compatible OS: Compatible with Android and iOS devices.

9. Net Nanny

Net Nanny is the best Internet blocking app designed for parents to keep their kid secure from harmful threats including online bullying, predators, inappropriate content, and others. It is coded for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows operating systems.


  • You will find almost every single function which is necessary for parental control.
  • Website blocking is very much easier with Net Nanny.

Free Video Apps For Mac

Compatible OS: Compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac devices.

10. BlockSite

BlockSite is an application which helps us to block the website on the target device without them knowing. We just have to install the app on the device of individual, kid, or employee to block the website. This will help you to block adult content, social media sites, or any site that you would like to restrict from accessing.


  • One can easily block distracting websites using the BlockSite
  • You can schedule or permanently block sites on the target

Compatible OS: It is only compatible with Android devices.

Want to protect kids from online threats and block sites on chrome mobile? Well, you can try FamiSafe – The best parental control. FamiSafe also works as a Website blocker app to block a harmful website on your kid device. To access FamiSafe web blocker services. You can create a free FamiSafe account and access premium functions for 3 days at free of cost. If you satisfy with FamiSafe service, avail the subscription plan at reasonable prices.