OBD Auto Doctor for Mac OS X 3.7.0
OBD-II ScanMaster functions: Over 9.000 Failure code recognized, manufacturer characteristic mistake codes of 31 motor vehicle-signs, lambda test, data storage in the spreadsheet format (CSV), representation sensor data digitally and graphic (xy-Plot), plot-storage as a graphics, printer-edition. KONNWEI OBD2 Scanner Professional OBD II Auto Fault Code Reader Automotive Check Engine Light Diagnostic EOBD Scan Tool for All OBDII Protocol Cars Since 1996 (Enhanced KW850) 4.7 out of 5 stars 165 $75.99 $ 75. Jan 25, 2008 We have improved the software lately and also introduced new version 2.x. I suggest that you try it again and contact our support if you have issues. Note: I represent the software.
Creosys in Home & Hobby / Other
Obd Ii software, free download
With this easy-to-use OBD-II diagnostic software, you can communicate with your vehicle's On-Board Diagnostic system and turn your computer or mobile into a highly capable automotive scanner. OBD Auto Doctor is a must-have tool for everyone interested in getting to know their cars better. Whether you want to monitor data in real-time or reset 'check engine' light, this is the only OBDII software you need!
On-Board Diagnostics, or OBD, is a computer-based system built into modern passenger cars that monitors emission related controls and performance of the engine, and detects malfunctions. OBD-II systems provide access to the health information of a vehicle and access to numerous parameters and sensors from the Engine Control Unit (ECU). The OBD2 system offers valuable information, including diagnostic trouble codes, when troubleshooting problems.
OBD diagnostic software communicates with the car and reads the diagnostic information from the car. For the communication, a small OBD adapter is needed in addition. The adapter is attached to a car's OBD2 port. It acts as a bridge between your computer/mobile and the car. Using the adapter, OBD software can communicate with the car and present the diagnostic information in user friendly way. It is the software that brings the real value for you. That's why we created OBD Auto Doctor.
To start communicating with your car, you need to have ELM327-based adapter and a OBDII compliant car. Just connect the OBDII adapter to the physical 16-pin OBD connector plug located near the dashboard (typically below the streering wheel), launch the software, and you are ready to go. The connection between the interface and the software can use bluetooth, WiFi, serial port or USB connection depending on the type of hardware you have.
You can now play OBD II Simulator for PC on a desktop/laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and MacOS/OS X. This can easily be done with the help of BlueStacks or Andy OS Android emulator.

OBD II Simulator for faster, less error-prone development
✅ WiFI and Bluetooth
✅ 60 built-in OBD II Commands
✅ Ability to add OBD II commands on the fly
✅ Freeze Mode (02) full support
✅ Support for 30 AT Command
✅ Over 5000 Diagnostics trouble codes
✅ Ability to add DTC on the fly
✅ 3 DTC Modes with MIL support
✅ Fully configurable
✅ 13 ELM Protocol Supported
✅ Stetho support
✅ Email support
✅ Detailed logs
In case of a problem, question or suggestion feel free to contact me
*For the first few months the price will be 50% off
** OBD II Simulator tries to replicate as much as possible real OBD II experience for faster and less error-prone development, however OBD II Simulator it's not 100% substitute and errors (although rare) are possible
How to download and run OBD II Simulator on your PC and Mac
OBD II Simulator For PC can be easily installed and used on a desktop computer or laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and a Macbook, iMac running Mac OS X. This will be done using an Android emulator. To install OBD II Simulator For PC, we will use BlueStacks app player. The method listed below is set to help you get OBD II Simulator For PC. Go ahead and get it done now.
Free Obd Ii Software
Download Links For OBD II Simulator:
Download: Bluestacks Android Emulator
Download: OBD II Simulator (Play Store)
More From Us: Slots Street For PC / Windows 7/8/10 / Mac – Free Download
Step to Step Guide / OBD II Simulator For PC:
- As you have Downloaded and Installed Bluestacks Emulator, from Links which are provided above.
- Now, After the installation, configure it and add your Google account.
- Once everything is done, just open the Market in Play Store and Search for the ‘OBD II Simulator’.
- Tap the first result and tap install.
- Once the installation is over, Tap the App icon in Menu to start playing.
- That’s all Enjoy!
Free Universal Obd Ii Software
See App in Play Store
Mac Os X Obd Ii Software
Also Read: Black Gold Launcher For PC / Windows 7/8/10 / Mac – Free Download
That would be all from our side. In case you have got any queries or you have any issue following the guide, do let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comments section below.