
The section below provides instructions for preparing Xamarin.UITests for upload to App Center Test. Select your platform to begin.

Xamarin.iOS apps must have the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent linked into the app's .ipa file. The Xamarin Test Cloud Agent is a special, embedded HTTP server that allows Xamarin.UITests to interact with the iOS user interface. The Test Cloud Agent is added to the iOS project via NuGet.

Hi, I am developing a Xamarin Forms Application using Visual Studio. I would like to test my app by connecting my device to the mac system. I have created an apple account but I have not signed up with Apple Developer program by paying 100 dollars. With Xamarin.Forms, you can use C# or XAML to build cross-platform user interfaces for iOS, Android, and macOS. This open-source mobile UI framework allows you to build apps from a single shared codebase. Additionally, built-in support for the MVVM pattern.


Non-Xamarin.iOS apps are also supported by Xamarin.UITest, but instead of the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent require linking Calabash.

Visual Studio for Mac

For an iOS project in Visual Studio for Mac, right click on the Packages folder, select Add Package. Search for Xamarin Test Cloud Agent, and click Add Package:

Visual Studio (Windows)


Test xamarin app on iphone without mac

Xamarin.UITests for iOS apps cannot be executed locally on Windows. You can still create, compile and upload to App Center Test from Windows.

For an iOS project in Visual Studio for Windows, right click on project and select Manage NuGet Packages from the context menu. In the NuGet Package Manager Search for Xamarin Test Cloud Agent and click OK to install that package:

Initialize the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent

After adding the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent to the iOS project, you must initialize the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent when the iOS app starts. Edit the AppDelegate class and add the following snippet to the FinishedLaunching method:

Xamarin.forms Test Ios App Without Mac Password


Test Xamarin App On Iphone Without Mac

Apple will reject your app if you submit an app that includes the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent. The Xamarin Test Cloud Agent is only supported for apps signed with Development Provisioning Profiles. When submitted to App Center Test, IPAs are automatically re-signed with one of our Development Provisioning Profiles if possible.

When you surround the initialization code in the ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD conditional compile statement, the Xamarin linker will leave the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent in builds that use the ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD flag. Normally Debug builds but not Release builds. New Xamarin.iOS apps created in Visual Studio use this approach.

Once a test suite is prepared, next setup a test run to upload and run your tests.

Xamarin Forms Ios App Icon

Hi, I am developing a Xamarin Forms Application using Visual Studio. I would like to test my app by connecting my device to the mac system. I have created an apple account but I have not signed up with Apple Developer program by paying 100 dollars. If I log into apple developer portal with my apple Id and cick on certificates, I do not get a place to register my iPhone device. Am I missing something. On my mac machine certificate has been installed and am able to get the device id. i need to associate this device in the developer portal and I am not getting the page. Is it mandatory to sign up the dev program to do xamarin forms IOS testing